Are You Leveraging the Right Tools to Become a Great Leader?

What if I told you that becoming a stronger leader could be as easy as knowing your own strengths and how they impact your team? 

Join us on The Matt Phillips Podcast this week as our host, Matt Phillips, takes you to a powerful discussion on the complexities of leadership tendencies and how understanding them can transform the way we lead our teams. He also discusses the importance of self-awareness in leadership, the power of tools like DISC profile and other free resources to help leaders gain insights into their behaviors. These resources are game changers, as they help us adapt our approach to better connect with our teams and significantly enhance our performance and communication as leaders.

He will touch on the following topics:

  • The importance of understanding our tendencies as leaders and how they can impact our ability to motivate and influence our team members. 
  • The Enneagram and the Superpower Quiz are powerful tools that help individuals identify their leadership tendencies and approach others effectively.
  • Take action and do things differently to achieve greatness. 

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